Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Celebrating the arrival of their Golden "deity" to the forest of Endor, the Ewoks carve out a wooden throne in his honour and take him to their tree top homestead. The others in Threepio's party aren't so lucky, tied to stakes and carried in a most undignified way by their captors. The majority of this scene, filmed at the Californian Redwoods in April/May 1982, in which the Ewok party traverse a large log/bridge, didn't actually make the final film. It looks as if this scene may be linked to the one and only sequence that famous Stuntman Vic Armstrong actually worked on for JEDI, as he confirmed to AFICIONADO contributor Ian Trussler last month at the launch of his new book on his incredible career in the stunt industry:

"I asked him to say exactly what he did on JEDI and he said he only did the long shot of the heroes being carried on the poles by the Ewoks, he doubled for Harrison/Han as Harrison had a bad back that day.
I then double checked and said, "that was it, you didn't do the Yuma shoot on the skiff?", to which he replied, "Sadly no, I did not do that."

So there you have it. Decades of speculation ended direct from the horses mouth."

For even more detailed info on the making of JEDI, check out our informative and exhaustive special issue, here: STAR WARS AFICIONADO ISSUE 14 - THE MAKING OF "RETURN OF THE JEDI"

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